Do you have apps that are almost ready to publish? Maybe a quick app idea that you just need a few hours to implement? There are two contests from Microsoft that you can take advantage of. Get your apps out now!
Generation App will reimburse your $99 Marketplace fee
and give you a free copy of Halo 4 for Xbox. You'll also be in a drawing win an Xbox 360 for each app you submit. This counts for any apps published between December 20, 2012, and February 28, 2013. Do it!
Also, starting on Friday (February 1), you can enter another contest (
Community Apportunity) that puts you into a drawing for $1000, $500, or $250. That's pretty good money for apps you probably would have developed anyway!
The best part is, apps can be submitted to both contests (assuming you wait until Feb 1) so you can really rake it in!
Good luck!